How Much Do Headshots Cost in 2023?
Chicago Headshot photographers charge anywhere from $150 to $450 but overall price can range greatly.
Most Chicago Photographers set their prices based on factors on number of outfits, location or amount of staff headshots needed, All legitimate photographers will set their pricing at a flat rate and will post on the homepage, if you have to email for pricing move on.

Important factors to keep in mind:
Do I need a makeup artist? Never, A seasoned photographer will be able to create a charming photo.
Should a photographer have a straightforward process so you know what you're getting and won't be surprised? Yes, Your professional photographer should provide a simple start to end process.
Will your photographer know how to correct if you're not liking the way you look? Many angles will not be flattering for you, and if you don't like something, inexperienced photographers won't know how to adjust the lighting or angles so you like the way you look.
How do I know a photographer can achieve what I want? Google map reviews is the most accurate judgment call, we are currently rated 5 stars on over 360 reviews, which is the highest in Chicago